Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ringin' in the (possibly last) New Year!

So it's 2012 and we all know what that means, only a year left of the world!! Right?? Yeah... Sure...

According to ChaCha, about 50% of the world believes the world will end in 2012. I don't... And I don't know many who do... And I think this statistic might be somehow inflated. But if it's not, it means that 50% of this world will live 2012 in a way that the other 50% probably won't.

Maybe it's not the most optimisitc mindset, but think about it...

The only moment you would have to worry about is the one you're living. No worries about things like money or work. Grudges can be forgotten. Inhibitions can be wiped away. You can finally feel okay about taking to time to enjoy life. And not only can you stop worrying about your own life, but you and every other person you know are leaving this place at the same time. Meaning, the people you love are able to live just as wonderfully free as yourself.

Even more freeing is the fact that if we all had this mindset, no one would be worrying about judgements or labels.... because no one would be handing them out! If everybody was living in a way in which their only concern was to enjoy the life they had in the time they had left, who would waste their time with preconceived notions and hating?

Even if I have my doubts about how the world will end, I want to feel free to live and to live happily. I think I'll be adopting the lifestyle I'd have if I knew the planet was going to pot by the year's end. I can't imagine living any happier. Imma recommend errbody do this...

All the love I can possibly give,
