Saturday, December 31, 2011


I think about love a lot. It's one of those things I always kind of keep on my mind. Like Skyrim.

Except I don't doubt Skyrim. It does what it's supposed to and gets on with itself. Love just doesn't seem to be so easy. And I don't mean exclusively romantic love... I'm talking about any kind of real love at all.

I used to believe there was enough love to go around. Now I have myself second guessing. Has the world always had this many atrocities? Am I just now realizing what this world is actually full of?

I think about all the people who have killed themselves because they've never felt the feeling of being loved. If they had just one more person on their side they might have spent just one more day on this earth. Or they might have spent years more. No one knows. Because no one took the time to see. Or to love.

I've had my share of bad days, but I count myself among the lucky. Among the ones who know what love is. If anyone wants to feel this and hasn't, I'll do my best to help. I've seen too much hate and neglect not to care.

All the love I can possibly give,


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